Winkhaus AV2 Heritage Multipoint Lock Kit

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Winkhaus AV2 Heritage is a modern locking system door created to complement replacement period doors but also prestige modern doors that seek to make a statement in the burgeoning apartment market

  • Compliments both traditional period and contemporary doors
  • AV2 Heritage Lock is never "just locked on the latch". When closing the door, two solid anti-pushback hooks automatically operate to achieve instant security. The lock can be additionally secured by throwing the deadbolt with the key on the outside and thumbturn on the inside
  • The security nickel plated steel hooks fully penetrate the heavy duty steel keeps and help prevent forcing apart of the door and frame. AV2 Heritage is Police Secured By Design, PAS 24, SKG, and VdS1 accredited
  • The high performance gearbox is tested to 100,000 cycles and offers the lowest possible operating forces
  • Tested to PAS 24 the AV2 hook shape provides low operating forces and helps doors achieve a higher level of weather performance.
  • Winkhaus locks have a protective surface coating in excess of EN 1670 : 2007 Grade 4 which is designated as ‘Very high corrosion resistance’
  • The AV2 Heritage Lock is superbly engineered and manufactured in Germany. Established in 1854 Winkhaus is market leader producing innovative security solutions to meet the challenges of tomorrows’ rapidly changing security and ease of use requirements but at the same time empathising with the fine architectural needs of British and Irish heritage
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