Winkhaus AV4-F Heritage Plus Multipoint Lock Kit

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Winkhaus AV4 Heritage Plus is a modern locking system created to complement all door styles. With the cylinder in a heritage position, comparable to a traditional eye level cylinder pull

The autoLock AV4 Heritage Plus automatically locks when the door is closed without the need for you to lock it with a key.  This means an external lever handle is not required to operate the locking points, the lock can be opened by turning the key a quarter of a turn. From the inside the door can be opened by an internal thumbturn

The new practical daytime latch can be activated for times when flexible entry from outside is required without the use of a key

  • Two solid hooks which throw automatically when the door is closed, ensuring complete engagement of the hook and security against the lock being pushed back as proven by PAS 24.
  • Magnetic trigger in combination with tracer pin minimises wear on the door frame.
  • Optimised hook design, the autoLock AV4 has the widest installation tolerances, reducing the need to adjust the lock through the life of a door, saving time and money.
  • 40% lower operating forces than the market leading AV2.
  • Smooth operation despite the tight seal.
  • The innovative daytime latch allows you to open the door from the outside without the use of a key. Single hand actuation for flexible entry is useful when instant access is needed over a short period of time.
  • Fail-safe function prevents the hooks from accidentally disengaging.
  • Innovative optional daytime latch for flexible entry without use of a key.
  • Heavy duty keeps manufactured using high grade steel, plated to comply with EN1670 Grade 5, very high corrosion resistance.
  • PAS 24 & ADQ Compliant.
  • 3-point locking system is Police Secured By Design.
  • Compatible with Winkhaus FAB integrated lever slave lock for double entrance doors.
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