Winkhaus ThunderBolt Heritage 5-Point Multipoint Lock Kit

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The Winkhaus ThunderBolt Heritage multipoint point locking system with the Euro profile cylinder position comparable to a traditional round cylinder pull while offering an enhanced level of security and weather performance 

The ThunderBolt Heritage is a key operated locking system which houses the Euro profile locking cylinder at a similar height to a traditional round cylinder pull giving offering a secure solution that also helps to add 'visual value' and style to entrance doors

  • Features a ultra smooth key operated gearbox. Design and manufactured in Germany after an extensive research and development programme the lock is operated by turning the key 720 degrees clockwiseor anti-clockwise to simultaneously engage or disengage both 20mm throw nickel plated allow twin deadbolts and the nickel plated steel central deadbolt. The engineered alloy sprung latch can be disengaged by a further key turn
  • Incorperating solid twin deadbolts in the upper and lower postions this locking system has 5 DEADBOLTS as standard, giving very high security and peace of mind
  • The high security nickel plated alloy deadbolts fully penetrate the heavy duty steel keeps and help prevent forcing apart of the door and frame. ThunderBolt Heritage is Police Secured by Design and PAS 24 accredited
  • 50% greater fitting tolerances compared to conventional hook locking systems
  • Gearbox strength increased by 30% to further reduce the risk of malicious abusive loads
  • The high performance gearbox is tested to 100,000 cycles and offers the lowest possible operating forces
  • Tested to PAS 24 (EN14351-1:2006) the ThunderBolt Heritage tapered deadbolt design provides low operating forces and helps doors acheive a higher level of weather performance
  • The lock and keeps has a protective surface coating in excess of BS EN1670 Grade 4 which is designated as 'Very high corrosion resistance'
  • Superbly engineered and manufactured in Germany the ThunderBolt locking system is approved by the Police 'Secured by Design' security initiative. This important independent endorsement is an essential requirement of the Association of British insurers
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